Bettadakhan Estate

Bettadakhan Estate is located on the northern slopes of the Baba Budan Giri Hills, the region where coffee was first planted in India back in the 1670’s. The region is named after Baba Budan who, according to legend, smuggled seven coffee seeds out of Yemen and planted them in India. This propagated the spread of coffee beyond Arabia to the rest of the world. Recent genetic testing of global coffee varieties, shows that many beans in Africa, Latin America,and Indonesia trace their lineage to beans from India.

Jacob Mammen manages this estate. His family has grown coffee here for three generations. In 2018, this farm won regional Best Arabica at the Flavor of India/Fine Cup cupping competition held each year during the European Specialty Coffee Expo.

The Mammen family also owns Kerkeicoondah Estate.


Our primary offering from this farm is a mid-sized lot of S-795 variety Plantation-AB (cupping notes: range of citrus with chocolate, caramel).  If your customers need an “I can drink this coffee every day” bean, this may be it.

We also have one microlot from the 2023 harvest:

Lot #122: Bettadakhan Estate Selection 9 Variety (5 bags): The Selection 9, a descendant of the Ethiopian Tafarikela bean, is one of our favorite varieties. With most roasts, the cultivar displays a fruitiness and acidity that is unusual for an Indian bean while still remaining faithful to the traditional Indian flavor profile. With European and Asian roasters also favoring this variety, we feel fortunate whenever we can secure a Selection 9 microlot.  Cupping Notes: Full spectrum of citrus w/ brown sugar, chocolate, caramel.

HOW TO BUY:  Call (650-366-5453) or email.  Review our Purchasing Green Coffee FAQs to learn how we handle green coffee transactions.  

*For the microlots, we give first priority to roasters that already buy our coffees.  Roasters that have never purchased from us (or last purchased a few years back) should consider the larger/mid-sized lot offering.