Kalledevarapura Estate

Kalledevarapura is located in the Baba Budan Giri Hills, the region where coffee was first planted in India back in the 1670’s. The region is named after Baba Budan who, according to legend, smuggled seven coffee seeds out of Yemen and planted them in India. This propagated the spread of coffee beyond Arabia to the rest of the world. Recent genetic testing of coffee varieties, shows that many beans in Africa, Latin America,and Indonesia trace their lineage to beans from India.

Kalledevarapura has some of the best shade among all Indian coffee farms. Unusually low rainfall also contributes to superior beans, many of which have won Flavor of India/Fine Cup awards (the Indian equivalent to Cup of Excellence).

D.S. Shankar’s family has been growing coffee here for four generations. Our long relationship with this family enables us to secure both unusual microlots as well as hard to secure ones (i.e. Selection 9 beans). His family also owns Harley Estate, which his brother runs.

We are offering three coffees from this farm as part of our 2024 Microlot Program:

[SOLD] Lot #143: Kalledevarapura Estate Chandragiri Variety (10 bags):  We’ve been bringing small lots of Chandragiri, a Villa Sarchi derivative, for the last several years. This newer variety (introduced in the late 2000’s) is one that excites many growers as it delivers improved yield and disease resistance, but without the usual flavor trade-off.  We’re finding that, when it’s time to replant a harvest block, this is the variety that growers now opt for. Cupping Notes:  Citrus w/ almond, malt & brown sugar.

[SOLD] Lot #146: Kalledevarapura Estate S-795 Peaberry (10 bags):  The larger Mysore Nugget and Plantation-A grade lots we get from Kalledevarapura will typically be S-795 variety beans. This small lot is also a S-795 but entirely Peaberries. Cupping Notes:  Orange and lemon w/ chocolate, mandarin & sweet lime.

[SOLD] Lot #150: Kalledevarapura Estate Selection 9 Variety (10 bags): Our long relationship with Kalledevarapura helped us secure this small lot. Selection 9 has long been one of the premier Indian cultivars. Very hard to find in North America as European and Australian roasters lock up much of what the best estates produce. Cupping Notes:  Coffee blossom w/ citrus, plum, berries & honey.

HOW TO BUY:  Call (650-366-5453) or email.  Review our Purchasing Green Coffee FAQs to learn how we handle green coffee transactions.  

*For the microlots, we give first priority to roasters that already buy our coffees.  Roasters that have never purchased from us (or last purchased a few years back) should consider our larger Plantation-A or -AB grade lots.